What Made “Wonder Egg Priority” Such a Special Anime, Part 3
Wonder Egg Priority is the first anime conceived and written by Mr. Shinji Nojima, who was responsible for a number of hit television dramas which took the world by storm. Wonder Egg Priority is a scrupulously produced, richly unique film imbued with passion from its young team of creators. For this three-part series, we interviewed the core staff members to find out just what makes Wonder Egg Priority so outstanding. In this third and final installment, we asked the core four about their teamwork. We asked how they kept up the enthusiasm for the project when there were so many ambitious staff members. They told us about the chemistry that arose because of the work environment on the show, and all the intangible things that came together to make this such a special anime...
ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ 2022.04.26What Made “Wonder Egg Priority” Such a Special Anime, Part 2
Wonder Egg Priority is the first anime conceived and written by Mr. Shinji Nojima, who was responsible for a number of hit television dramas which took the world by storm. Wonder Egg Priority is a scrupulously produced, richly unique film imbued with passion from its young team of creators. In this three-part series, we interviewed the core staff members to find out just what makes Wonder Egg Priority so outstanding. For our second installment, we spoke with action director Mr. Yusuke Kawakami and assistant director Mr. Yuta Yamazaki about Mr. Wakabayashi’s direction style.
ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ 2022.04.26『ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ』が特別なアニメだった理由③
ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ 2022.01.20『ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ』が特別なアニメだった理由②
ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ 2022.01.19『ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ』が 特別なアニメだった理由①
世の中を席巻する数々の大ヒットドラマを生み出した野島伸司(以下、野島)が、初めてアニメの原案・脚本を手がけた『ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ(以下、ワンエグ)』。若きクリエイターたちの情熱と瑞々しさがありつつも、行き届いた演出力で見せる個性豊かなフィルムとなった『ワンエグ』が、なぜオンリーワンになり得たのかをコアスタッフへの取材をもとに探る。第1回はキャラクターデザイン・総作画監督の高橋沙妃(以下、高橋)と監督の若林 信(以下、若林)に、キャラクターのビジュアル面の制作について聞いた。
ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ 2022.01.18